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 Asunto: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2014
NotaPublicado: 03 Mar 2014 18:24 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
Creo que es mejor abrir un hilo para esta gira porque es la primera de Jorgito/Canutillo y creo que vamos a tener muchas imágnes memorables con el futuro rey y también con las joyas reales que Catalina va a lucir.

Las fechas del tour son:

Nueva Zelanda:

• Wellington (7th April, 9th April, 16th April)
• Blenheim (10th April)
• Auckland (11th April)
• Hamilton and Cambridge (12th April)
• Dunedin (13th April)
• Queenstown (13th April)
• Christchurch (14th April)


• Sydney, NSW (16th, 18th, 20th April)
• Blue Mountains, NSW (17th April)
• Brisbane, QLD (19th April)
• Uluru (Ayer's Rock), NT (22nd April)
• Adelaide, SA (23rd April)
• Canberra, ACT (24th, 25th April)

"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 03 Mar 2014 18:36 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
Hello ha publicado el itinerario completo con todos los actos programados hasta ahora. La info viene del Palacio de Kensington.

New Zealand

Monday 7 April – Wellington – arrival at Government House in Wellington, New Zealand.

Tuesday 8 April – day to recover from 25-hour flight at a private residence.

Wednesday 9 April – Wellington – mother and babies meeting with the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society.

Thursday 10 April – Blenheim – war memorial service; exhibition of World War One aircraft.

Friday 11 April – Auckland – meet base personnel at Whenuapai air force base; yacht races with the Duke and Duchess on separate yachts.

Saturday 12 April – Waikato – Duke to visit Pacific Aerospace while the Duchess visits a children's hospice; visit to a war memorial; visit to the national velodrome.

Sunday 13th April – Dunedin and Queenstown – two-day trip including Palm Sunday service; watch Rippa Rugby festival; wine tasting; experience white water ride through canyons.

Monday 14 April – Christchurch – visit city and see plans for future rebuilding.
Tuesday 15 April – free day for the family.

Wednesday 16 April – Wellington – visit to the Royal New Zealand Police College.


Wednesday 16 April – Sydney – reception at Sydney Opera House.

Thursday 17 April – Blue Mountains – visit to fire-damaged areas and meeting with community leaders.

Friday 18 April – Sydney – Royal Easter Show; children's hospice and surf life-saving display.

Saturday 19 April – Brisbane – Duke to visit RAAF Amberley; Brisbane Reception.

Sunday 20 April – Sydney – Easter Sunday church service; visit to Taronga Zoo.

Monday 21 April – day off for the family.

Tuesday 22 April – Uluru (Ayer's Rock) – visit to National Indigenous Training Academy and Uluru-Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre, afternoon tea and tour.

Wednesday 23 April – Adelaide – tour of Northern Sound System and Adelaide reception.

Thursday 24 April – Canberra – National Portrait Gallery; Prime Minister's reception at Government House; tree-planting at the National Arboretum and Governor General's reception.

Friday 25 April – Canberra – ANZAC Day March and Commemorative Service at the Australian War Memorial.

"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 03 Mar 2014 18:41 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
El Daily Mail informa que no habrá eventos de gala (black tie o con tiaras).

Tendremos un posado oficial de Canutillo en la Casa de Gobierno de Wellington. Tal como ocurrió con su padre y con su abuelo.

La Casa de Gobierno

El posado de Guillermo de bebé

El posado de Carlos de bebé

"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 04 Mar 2014 11:08 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
El rey de los maoríes se niega a recibir en audiencia a Catalina y Guillermo como queja contra el comité organizador de la visita que sólo consideró 90 minutos para la reunión e impide al rey recibirlos con todos los honores y parafernalias de su posición y de su pueblo.


"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 04 Mar 2014 11:09 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556

On Tuesday, King Tuheitia’s office issued a statement confirming the royals would not meet, despite Prince William and his wife visiting the Waikato.

However, the statement was especially critical of the government-appointed committee overseeing the visit, which it said was not willing to negotiate about the arrangements.

“The king was never asked anything. He was simply told,” the statement said.

The government’s delegation of the organisation of such an important visit to “faceless bureaucrats” was attacked as a grave error of judgment, repeating history that had seen the king’s position continually diminished and undermined.

A personal letter explaining the king’s reason for declining the visit had been couriered to the royal couple several weeks ago.

Had this visit proceeded, it would have been the first visit by senior members of the Windsor dynasty to King Tuheitia since his coronation in 2006.

The statement said 60 to 90 minutes was not considered long enough to look after the royal couple and the Maori leaders who would gather to pay them homage.

“The king wanted to give his best to this couple to reflect their status. He was being prevented from doing that.”


"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 04 Mar 2014 11:11 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556

King Tuheitia was reportedly concerned that the visit at his official headquarters, the Turangawaewae marae, or meeting place, would not be long enough for official protocols to be carried out.

The meeting was due to take place at on the country's North Island at Turangawaewae, the official residence of the 58-year-old king, Tuheitia Paki, a former truck driver who became monarch in 2006.

King Tuheitia is descended from the first Maori King Potatau Te Wherowhero, who was appointed in 1858 by several North Island tribes which wanted a single figure as a unifying representative in dealings with the white settlers. The king is a non-hereditary position and has no constitutional role but is widely respected as a Maori leader and frequently receives international diplomats and official visitors.


"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 04 Mar 2014 11:13 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
El comunicado del rey maorí, Tuhetia:



"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 04 Mar 2014 11:27 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
Nueva Zelanda emite dos estampillas y una moneda conmemorativos de la gira real.







"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 04 Abr 2014 10:30 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
Más regalos para Jorgito de sus anfitriones australianos y neozelandeses: una tabla de surf de la ciudad de Manly. La empresa familiar Bennett Surfboards ha sido encargada por el gobierno para producir la tabla.






"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 06 Abr 2014 19:06 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
El transporte del príncipe Jorge desata polémicas en Nueva Zelanda.


"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 06 Abr 2014 19:09 

Registrado: 18 Jul 2012 17:58
Mensajes: 10556
La lista de pertrechos esenciales para Jorgito fue enviada a Nueva Zelanda.

The royal couple have packed dozens of outfits for their eight-month-old son as part of their bulky luggage that is accompanying them on a commercial flight via Australia, but nappies, wipes, baby food and toiletries will be waiting for them when they land.

The family will be staying at Government House in Wellington, the official residence of the Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae, who is the Queen’s representative in New Zealand. A nursery has been prepared for Prince George, along with bedrooms for the couple and their son’s nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

La ninera espanola también forma parte del entorno de viaje.

"I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance",

 Asunto: Re: Los Cambridge en Nueva Zelanda y Australia: 7-25 Abril 2
NotaPublicado: 07 Abr 2014 00:10 
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Registrado: 25 Jul 2009 07:22
Mensajes: 4318
Ubicación: Utrecht, Países Bajos
Seamos claros, la queremos ver a Kate enjoyada, ya veremos qué preduscos le cedió Lilibet con motivos del viaje, ojalá les salga todo genial a los 3. :wink:

"Ma fin est mon commencement,
et mon commencement ma fin".

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