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NotaPublicado: 13 Jul 2009 12:44 
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Registrado: 10 Abr 2008 09:46
Mensajes: 5658
Ubicación: 145 Piccadilly
Now that the fabulous picture sequence seems to be over (thanks Nellie!) I would like to post a nice sketch of the Queen's coronation gown, personally drawn by its designer, Norman Hartnell.

The Queen wore the dress on more than one occasion during the tour she took to the Commonwealth countries after being crowned.


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NotaPublicado: 13 Jul 2009 13:09 
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Registrado: 10 Abr 2008 09:46
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Ubicación: 145 Piccadilly
A detail of the richly embroidered dress, which had flowers representing England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Canada, India, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan and South Africa.


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NotaPublicado: 15 Jul 2009 02:22 
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Registrado: 04 May 2009 12:21
Mensajes: 198
Ubicación: Melbourne Australia
They are beautiful pics, Octavius, of the artistry of Hartnell.
Thank you.

And yes, I have now ended posting in the sequence of the ceremonial.

Here is Princess Margaret.



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NotaPublicado: 15 Jul 2009 20:46 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
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Ubicación: ESPAÑA
Is it over over...?


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NotaPublicado: 16 Jul 2009 00:30 
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Registrado: 04 May 2009 12:21
Mensajes: 198
Ubicación: Melbourne Australia
Sorry Sabba, but I don't understand your question.

(And some functions don't seem to be working properly.)

I have completed the pics-in-sequence "storyline" that I was doing, but I have loads more pics to add here for the 1953 coronation.

There are some areas which I can "revisit" to cover in more detail - with plenty more splendid pics, and more in colour.

If anyone has been waiting for me to "finish" before posting their own pics, then please don't wait. Post now.
Go for it - but I prefer them to stick to the 1953 coronation.
I can start new threads for each of the other coronations - if you wish.

(I had another pic for here but the code does not seem to be working this morning.)

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NotaPublicado: 16 Jul 2009 08:20 
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Registrado: 04 May 2009 12:21
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Ubicación: Melbourne Australia
Here is the tiny tot who had to stay at home.


Oh good, The code is working now.

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NotaPublicado: 16 Jul 2009 11:04 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
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Ubicación: ESPAÑA
Oh sorry, sorry... I saw the word over in Octavius' last post and I instantly got depressed :roll:
That change of board format coming up is killing me, haha.


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NotaPublicado: 16 Jul 2009 11:12 
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Registrado: 04 May 2009 12:21
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Ubicación: Melbourne Australia
Sabba - I have heard about a change - from a friend - and wondered if you might add one of your clever Postit thingies about it, just briefly, for us English bods.

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NotaPublicado: 16 Jul 2009 14:06 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
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Ubicación: ESPAÑA
Of course I will.
But basically everything will be the same under a new design. We must to migrate to a new version of php forums, and I don't like it at all.... :roll: I am working in order to have the same atmosphere than we have in this one. Don't worry (wink)


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NotaPublicado: 16 Jul 2009 14:11 
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Registrado: 04 May 2009 12:21
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Ubicación: Melbourne Australia
Sabba - I have every confidence in the work you do to keep this forum ticking over sweetly.

We are backing you all the way.

If there are things or habits we need to change or adjust a bit just say and I will certainly try to fit in.

Good luck with the changeover.

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NotaPublicado: 28 Jul 2010 09:28 

Registrado: 27 Jul 2010 21:28
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Hi all! I am student of protocol. I have to do my dissertation about the coronation of the Queen. I would like to know any book, websites where I can find some good information about the ceremony, guests etc. I live in London so if you know any book, shop or library please let me know. I'll really appreciate. Thank so much!!!

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NotaPublicado: 28 Jul 2010 09:53 
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Registrado: 04 May 2009 12:21
Mensajes: 198
Ubicación: Melbourne Australia
Hello Tanto Monta

Specifically for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953, there are certain books I would recommend for you to get a good grounding in the subject, as it applied for the coronation of the Queen.

There are many many picture books of course, but I suggest you start with the following three reference books -

When the Queen was Crowned by Brian Barker OBE
Queens, Crowns and Coronations by Lewis Broad, 1952, first published as "Crowning the King" 1937
[i]The English Regalia[/i} by Martin Holmes and Major-General HDW Sitwell, 1972

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