Mary Beaton, Mary Seton, Mary Fleming, y Mary Livingston.fueron escojidas por la reina Marie de Guise para acompañar a su hija, Mary, reina de Escocia a Francia , donde se casaria con el delfin.
Las cuatro Mary's inspirarón una balada
|Mary Hamilton, nombre de la balada és un personaje que existiría un siglo después. NO se sabe porque la balada fué asociada con ella.
AQui está la letra original
Yest're'en(2) the Queen had fower(1) Marys
The nicht(3) she'll hae but three
There was Mary Seton and Mary Beaton,
And Mary Car-Michael and me.
Oh little did my mother think
The day she cradled me
The lands I was to travel in
The death I was tae die(4)
Oh tie a napkin roon(5) my eyen(6)
No let me seen to die(4)
And sent me a'wa(7) tae my dear mother
Who's far away o'er the sea
But I wish I could lie in our ain(8) kirkyard(9)
Beneath yon old oak tree
Where we pulled the rowans and strung the gowans(10)
My brothers and sisters and me
Yest're'en(2) the Queen had fower(1) Marys
The nicht(3) she'll hae but three
There was Mary Seton and Mary Beaton,
And Mary Car-Michael and me.
But why should I fear a nameless grave
When I've hopes for eternity
And I'll pray that the faith o' a dying thief
Be given through grace tae me
Yest're'en(2) the Queen had fower(1) Marys
The nicht(3) she'll hae but three
There was Mary Seton and Mary Beaton,
And Mary Car-Michael and me.
There was Mary Seton and Mary Beaton,
And Mary Car-Michael and me.
fower - four
yest're'en – yestereven(ing) (i.e., last night)
nicht – night
(pronounced: "dee")
roon – around
eyene – eyes
a'wa – away
ain – own
kirkyard – churchyard (cemetery)
gowans – daisies