Joaquín de Dinamarca se casará el 24-V-2008 en segundas nupcias, con la francesa Marie Cavallier.
Será su segundo matrimonio. Joaquín de Dinamarca, hijo menor de Margarita II y del príncipe consorte Enrique, se casará en primavera de 2008 con su novia francesa, Marie Cavallier, de 32 años y seis años menor que el príncipe.
Antes de la boda, Marie, que es católica, se convertirá al luteranismo, la religión oficial en Dinamarca y la de la Familia Real. Además, ha solicitado la nacionalidad danesa. Recibirá el título de princesa.
Joaquín, cuarto en la línea de sucesión a la Corona, se divorció a finales de 2005 de su primera esposa, la condesa Alejandra, con la que tiene dos hijos, Nicolás y Félix, de 8 y 5 años, respectivamente.
El príncipe conoció a Marie meses después del divorcio, y los rumores de boda saltaron en abril pasado cuando se supo que ella había sido presentada a la reina, quien, según la prensa, había aprobado la relación.
Anuncio oficial de la Casa Real:
His Royal Highness Prince Joachim engaged to Miss Marie Cavallier
Amalienborg, Wednesday October 3rd, 2007
Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort have the pleasure to announce the engagement of their son, His Royal Highness Prince Joachim to Miss Marie Cavallier.
Today, Wednesday October 3rd 2007, the Council of State has been assembled at Christiansborg Castle presided over by Her Majesty the Queen. Upon submission from the Prime Minister and in accordance with the Act of Succession of 1953, Her Majesty gave her consent to the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince Joachim and Miss Marie Cavallier. The wedding will take place in spring 2008. After the marriage Miss Cavallier will assume the title of Her Royal Highness Princess Marie.
Miss Marie Cavallier is a French citizen and belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. It is her wish to become a member of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Denmark in connection with the marriage. Miss Cavallier also wishes to apply for Danish citizenship and in this way to be released from her French citizenship.
Ove Ullerup
Lord Chamberlain
Møgeltønder Church
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Press coverage of the Royal Wedding requires special accreditation. Only media representatives with the special accreditation card will be given access to the press events. The accreditation card and pool card are issued by International Press Centre (IPC). These cards are personal and non-transferable and must be carried visibly at all times during the events of The Royal Wedding. You must also carry a valid photo ID to be shown on request.
The distribution of pools has been decided by an established committee with representative from media, the Royal Court, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Press Centre.
Accreditation cards and pool cards can be picked up at the International press Centre (IPC) on Thursday May 22, 2008 and
Friday May 23, 2008 between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm. and in Møgeltønder on Saturday May 24, 2008.
Última edición por Alexander el 06 May 2008 16:57, editado 1 vez en total