Foro DINASTÍAS | La Realeza a Través de los Siglos.

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NotaPublicado: 22 Jun 2009 18:27 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
Mensajes: 28712
Ubicación: ESPAÑA
June, I think you will be glad to know that King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía are in New Zealand for a State Visit right now (wink)

They have paid a visit to the Maritime Museum of Auckland.



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NotaPublicado: 23 Jun 2009 07:23 
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Registrado: 07 Jul 2008 07:55
Mensajes: 17
Ubicación: New Zealand
Hi Sabbatical,

Yes, how exciting for us. I am just so cross that they will not be coming to where I live.

The Queen looks so elegant and I just love her purple outfit. Today she wore pink. I am eagerly watching the news so I can get some small sight of them both.

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NotaPublicado: 23 Jun 2009 14:06 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
Mensajes: 28712
Ubicación: ESPAÑA
The Queen has forgotten to greet properly the maori authorities in Wellington. I watched that in the news!
Indeed, she was cute in pink.

Love this picture.



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NotaPublicado: 24 Jun 2009 08:06 
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Registrado: 07 Jul 2008 07:55
Mensajes: 17
Ubicación: New Zealand
That is a lovely picture - thank you for posting it. The Spanish Royals are favourites of mine.

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