A retrospective in photographs of the recent exhibition on the occasion of the Queen and Prince Philip's 50th wedding anniversary.
The exhibition ran from 28 July to 25 September 2007.
Amongst the items shown are those pictured in the post below, which include the various fabulous jewels given to her by
Queen Mary (the stomacher, and the 1893 Girls Tiara). She and the Duke also received 131 pairs of nylon, 17 pairs of silk stockings, a loin cloth from Mahatma Gandhi spun by himself, and a bath sponge.

The Highland dress of Prince Michael of Kent, a page at the wedding. Also some of her bridesmaids' gowns.

Full-on view of then Princess Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh's wedding gown and uniform.

Close-up showing the splendid appliqué work on the wedding gown (it included over 10,000 seed pearls).

Ruby and diamond necklace.

Sapphire and diamond necklace.

A gift from Grannie: The 1893 'Girls of Great Britain' tiara.

A 1920's diamond and platinum necklace.

The gold and diamond "Queen Mary's Stomacher" made for the Queen in 1920.

Two views of the china plates given to the royal couple. I believe they show some of the premier Orders (Garter, St. Patrick) and Guards Regiments (Welsh) of the British Empire, at the time.

Beautiful sugarer detail.

Norman Hartnell designed the bridal wedding gown, and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother's gowns for the wedding. Here is a rather idealised sketch of the Queen.

Another view of the wedding gown, and slippers.

"Champagne" colour, wouldn't you say? Unusual!

The Queen visiting the Exhibition in 2007.

A very human moment: The Queen reaching out to "touch" the exhibits.

A replica banner with the royal pair's initials, like the banners located around the Mall and processional route.
EXTRA SHOTS1947 Engagement

2007 Golden Wedding Anniversary
MORE INFO HERE: http://www.royalcollection.org.uk/micro ... dding1947/