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 Asunto: Re: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh Wedding Day Exhibition
NotaPublicado: 14 Ago 2009 07:53 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
Mensajes: 28712
Ubicación: ESPAÑA
Do you mean grammatically...?
Sorry If I wrote something not accurate, at this time in the morning everything is possible :roll:


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 Asunto: Re: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh Wedding Day Exhibition
NotaPublicado: 14 Ago 2009 08:09 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
Mensajes: 28712
Ubicación: ESPAÑA
Nellie escribió:
"Footwear industry" might be the expression needed.

Thanks Nellie...! Right...! I'm afraid I was thinking in spanish right here :roll:


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 Asunto: Re: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh Wedding Day Exhibition
NotaPublicado: 14 Ago 2009 08:10 
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Registrado: 30 Jun 2009 21:00
Mensajes: 6989
Ubicación: USA (ex-UK)
Nellie escribió:
I don't think I understood your remarks.
Sorry - so ignore mine.

Nono, it's interesting to discuss changing tastes. (grin)

Basically, I'm asking if those wedding gifts are a reflection of their time.

But then I go on to ask, why would the impulse of those giving presents to royals today, be so different from those giving gifts in 1947? *

Why would it be difficult to imagine someone giving say, Prince William, a laser printer -- the equivalent of a washing machine today.

*I read Sabba's reply, and I think she's hit the nail on the head. The manufacturers, if it is they who were giving their wares to Liz and Phil, were showcasing their products, getting free publicity etc. Still, I wouldn't imagine something similar happening today with royal wedding "product placement", as it were. And that's the thing that fascinates me.

Do we consider the impulse to give a washing machine to a royal couple, TODAY, unsophisticated?

Something's changed.

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