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NotaPublicado: 04 Ago 2010 08:46 
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Registrado: 30 Jun 2009 21:00
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Ubicación: USA (ex-UK)
A thread for Prince John Charles Francis, the last child and fifth son of King George V and Queen Mary (1905-1919).

From everything that I have read, it seems that Prince John was not an epileptic per se, but suffered from epileptic-like seizures. The explanation is that his delivery was a difficult one for Queen Mary, then aged 38. The child was born having been deprived of oxygen for a moment, thus affecting his cognitive abilities.

Whatever is the real reason, he was a gorgeous little prince.


Contrary to popular belief, the then Princess of Wales doted on her little boy, the only one to bear her father's name, Francis.


In fact, the whole family did, treasuring his quaint sayings and uninhibited behaviour. His favourites in the family were his sister Mary and brother George.


Johnny (or Johnnie) on his bike.


The latest photo I've ever seen of him is when he was a strapping 14 year-old. In looks, he was a cross between his brothers David and Harry.


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 Asunto: Re: PRINCE JOHN
NotaPublicado: 04 Ago 2010 08:59 
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Registrado: 30 Jun 2009 21:00
Mensajes: 6989
Ubicación: USA (ex-UK)
The Christian name "John" has been studiously avoided by succeeding British Royal Families for more than 700 years.

It has been considered a bad luck name ever since King John (1167-1216) -- that querrelous and oft-disreputable king who stabbed his brother, Richard the Lion-Heart, in the back; and had to give in to the Barons at Runnymede.

Almost every royal John's life has ended tragically, prematurely or violently.

Queen Alexandra revived the name for her own little son, Prince Alexander John Charles Albert of Wales, who lived exactly one day in 1871. Though named for her brother-in-law, Alexander III, he was called "Johnnie", to honour her own beloved uncle, Prince Johannes (Hans) of Denmark.

In turn, King George honoured his late brother's memory by giving that name to his own boy.

The bad luck streak continued.

There have been no Johns in the British Royal Family since 1905, even as a middle name.

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 Asunto: Re: PRINCE JOHN
NotaPublicado: 04 Ago 2010 19:31 
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Registrado: 19 Ene 2009 23:07
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I recently watch a very nice movie about this prince in TV

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 Asunto: Re: PRINCE JOHN
NotaPublicado: 04 Ago 2010 23:27 
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Registrado: 30 Jun 2009 21:00
Mensajes: 6989
Ubicación: USA (ex-UK)
Hi, Alfairu! Thanks for your reply. >:D<

I know which movie you probably mean: it was a made-for-TV special called "The Lost Prince" by a White Russian emigré descended director, Stephen Poliakoff.

I've spoken of it before on Dinastías, but it's been a while since I did so.

Here is my favourite scene of Queen Mary running to catch up with the Grand Duchesses. :yay:

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 Asunto: Re: PRINCE JOHN
NotaPublicado: 05 Ago 2010 03:46 
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Registrado: 19 Ene 2009 23:07
Mensajes: 282
Of course know I remember you wrote about this film (happy)

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 Asunto: Re: PRINCE JOHN
NotaPublicado: 05 Ago 2010 04:36 
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Registrado: 30 Jun 2009 21:00
Mensajes: 6989
Ubicación: USA (ex-UK)
What was your opinion of the movie, Alfairu?

I liked it a lot, despite its obvious failings. Nellie thought it was awful.

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 Asunto: Re: PRINCE JOHN
NotaPublicado: 03 May 2011 17:41 
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Registrado: 06 Dic 2008 00:48
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So touching :( :( :( :(

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