A thread for Prince John Charles Francis, the last child and fifth son of King George V and Queen Mary (1905-1919).
From everything that I have read, it seems that Prince John was not an epileptic per se, but suffered from epileptic-like seizures. The explanation is that his delivery was a difficult one for Queen Mary, then aged 38. The child was born having been deprived of oxygen for a moment, thus affecting his cognitive abilities.
Whatever is the real reason, he was a gorgeous little prince.

Contrary to popular belief, the then Princess of Wales doted on her little boy, the only one to bear her father's name, Francis.

In fact, the whole family did, treasuring his quaint sayings and uninhibited behaviour. His favourites in the family were his sister Mary and brother George.

Johnny (or Johnnie) on his bike.

The latest photo I've ever seen of him is when he was a strapping 14 year-old. In looks, he was a cross between his brothers David and Harry.