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NotaPublicado: 21 May 2009 14:49 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
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Ubicación: ESPAÑA
Haha... I edited myself >:)
I wouldn't give the impression that I can speak english.

I love this one... this GIPSY Prince look...! Fantastic. Indeed.


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NotaPublicado: 21 May 2009 15:14 
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Registrado: 10 Abr 2008 09:46
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Ubicación: 145 Piccadilly
A more relaxed Prince William at the beach in California, 1964.


He did the 1963-64 term in the University of Stanford, California. Here you can see him with a mate.


Both pictures are from Getty Images (as if the watermark didn't make that clear).

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NotaPublicado: 21 May 2009 18:10 
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Registrado: 12 Mar 2008 18:59
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Ubicación: EE.UU.
the picture in Stanford... was just a visit, right??
he didn't go there! did he?

by the way... that little drawing is absolutely exquisite!

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NotaPublicado: 21 May 2009 18:23 
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Registrado: 10 Abr 2008 09:46
Mensajes: 5658
Ubicación: 145 Piccadilly
Octavius escribió:
He did the 1963-64 term in the University of Stanford, California. Here you can see him with a mate.

berciana escribió:
the picture in Stanford... was just a visit, right??
he didn't go there! did he?!

Berciana, reading previous posts before posting questions is a good exercise. I have tried it myself several times and it works! 8)

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NotaPublicado: 21 May 2009 18:33 
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Registrado: 12 Mar 2008 18:59
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Ubicación: EE.UU.
OMG... sorry :shock: I half-read it...

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NotaPublicado: 27 May 2009 15:35 
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Registrado: 10 Abr 2008 09:46
Mensajes: 5658
Ubicación: 145 Piccadilly
More pictures of Prince William, from the archives of Life.

Badminton Horse Trials, 1954. Beside Prince William (who is wearing sunglasses) we can see his parents, Princess Alice & Prince Henry and Princess Margaret & The Queen Mother.


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 Asunto: Prince William of Gloucester
NotaPublicado: 02 Jun 2009 10:46 
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Registrado: 07 Jul 2008 07:55
Mensajes: 17
Ubicación: New Zealand
Thank you Octavius for that lovely informal picture of the Royals. They don't look all that comfortable sitting on the ground do they? :)

Is that Princess Alexander on the far right?

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 Asunto: Prince William of Gloucester
NotaPublicado: 02 Jun 2009 10:48 
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Registrado: 07 Jul 2008 07:55
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Ubicación: New Zealand
My apologies - that should be Princess Alexandra! :oops:

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NotaPublicado: 09 Jun 2009 14:22 
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Registrado: 10 Abr 2008 09:46
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Ubicación: 145 Piccadilly
June, I don't think she is but I am not sure.

Here is a lovely picture of the Gloucesters -with William in tow- in the wedding of Prince Edward of Kent to Kate Worsley (York, 1961).

The picture is a still from British Pathé.


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NotaPublicado: 09 Jun 2009 15:38 
Madre Fundadora
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Registrado: 17 Feb 2008 21:02
Mensajes: 28712
Ubicación: ESPAÑA
What is this place...? Looks more like a Sports Hall to me... this can't be the church where they got married, can it? :shock:


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NotaPublicado: 10 Jun 2009 07:01 
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Registrado: 07 Jul 2008 07:55
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Ubicación: New Zealand
Thank you Octavius, for that lovely picture of the Gloucesters.

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NotaPublicado: 12 Oct 2009 22:47 
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Registrado: 15 Dic 2008 01:06
Mensajes: 1027
!!!!!!!!!Drop dead gorgeous this William of Gloucester. A sight for sore eyes. To be honest I had no idea who he was until I started reading the Windsor threads. As far as I was concerned the Gloucesters were Prince Richard, his Dutch (or is that Swedish?) wife and his children. Plus the Dowager duchess. Such a tragedy dying so young. Thanks for posting the pictures. I've really enjoyed it

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